MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD) is retiring

MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD) is retiring to support UW Finance Transformation (UWFT) and the implementation of Workday Finance. To learn more see the Frequently Asked Questions.

The Chart of Accounts is comprised of Task, Option and Project codes.  Sometimes this is referred to as the TOP codes.  Creating a Chart of Accounts is the first step to using Project Cost Accounting. This customized coding structure is comprised of Task, Option and Project codes. Once a department creates a Chart of Accounts, Project Cost Accounting will allow that department the ability to maintain its entire coding structure in FIN.  To help assist with coding, use the COA Workbook

What you will need to know about Task, Option and Project codes when creating your Chart of Accounts:

Task Code

  • Three-character code that can have any combination of UPPERCASE letters and numbers
  • Designed to be independent of the project and option codes
  • Only one level of Task codes may be entered and maintained in FIN

Option Code

  • Three-character code that can have any combination of UPPERCASE letters and numbers
  • Designed to be independent of the project and task codes
  • Only one level of Option codes may be entered and maintained in FIN 

Project Code

  • Six-character code that can have any combination of UPPERCASE letters and numbers
  • Designed to be independent of the task and option codes
  • Your department may enter from one to six levels of project codes, however, only the lowest level code as established in FIN can be attached to transactions.

Default Codes

After a chart of accounts is built, and activated, default codes may appear on reports.  This will happen when PCA codes are not applied to all task, option and project fields for a given transaction.  The system assigned default is 999 for Task and Option and varies for Project codes.

  • Users may customize their defaults codes.  To learn more, click here.