Setting up an Award Line (Formerly Sub Budgets)


Multiple award lines allow funding from a single award to be allocated as needed for purposes such as separate F&A rates, research involving multiple PIs or departments, subcontracts, or different projects or budget periods within an award. All award lines within an award are usually reported and/or invoiced cumulatively for a discrete period, unless separate accounting for an individual award line is required by the sponsor. Award line information originates from SAGE Budget worksheets, so it is important to keep the information between SAGE and Workday aligned.

Note: The creation of an award line can originate either during the Award Setup Request or via the SAGE Modification tool. The GCA Rebudgeting Form and Transpasu Form are being decommissioned and replaced with the SAGE Modification tool.

Why Separate Award Lines?

There are several reasons why separate award lines are necessary or helpful. A sponsor may provide funds that are restricted for a specific purpose. Or, a campus unit may choose to request an award line to allocate funds to a co-PI or another UW department involved in the research. And in some cases, Workday requires an award line to be established.

Award Lines that Require a SAGE Budget Worksheet

Awards with Outgoing Subawards

Each outgoing subaward will have a unique award line set up to facilitate the automated calculation and application of F&A expenses. 

GCA creates a subaward award line upon receipt of the Award Setup Request or a SAGE Modification Request along with a SAGE Budget worksheet.

A subaward award line is identified in Workday by the following attributes:

  • "Subaward" is included in the Grant Name and SAGE Budget worksheet title
  • The Subrecipient name is included in the award line
  • The Basis Limit field is populated to manage the amount subject to F&A
  • The grant worktag is associated with a supplier contract created by Procurement Services

Here is an example of a subaward award line in Workday. Click on the image to see a larger version.

screenshot of Workday subaward award line

In addition to setting up the award line, GCA can also update an existing Workday supplier record so it is recognized as a subrecipient. For information about the subaward process, visit the UW Research subaward page for establishing and maintaining subawards.

Awards with Multiple F&A Rates

For awards that qualify for multiple F&A rates, GCA establishes a separate award line for each F&A rate. This is typically done when GCA receives the Award Setup Request and reviews the award.

The F&A rate with the largest amount of funds is the primary award line unless the department specifically directs GCA to set up a different rate as the primary award line. The department(s) responsible for the award should ensure all costs are appropriately charged to the correct award line.

Participant Support Costs 

Participant support funding is typically restricted for purpose and exempt from F&A, requiring separately accountability from the rest of the award. If participant support is approved by the sponsor and indicated in the award documents, GCA will create an award line when reviewing the Award Setup Request form or the SAGE Modification request.

A participant support costs award line is identified in Workday by the following attributes:

  • "Participant Support" is in the Grant Name and SAGE Budget worksheet title
  • An award line special condition called “Participant Support Costs”

For more information, please visit GCA's guidance on participant support costs

Equipment Fabrication

If a sponsored award includes funds to build a piece of equipment necessary to complete the research, these costs should be accounted for using a fabrication award line. GCA creates the fabrication award line if included in the Award Setup Request or upon receipt of a SAGE Modification Request.

An equipment fabrication award line is identified in Workday by the following attributes:

  • "Fabrication" is included in the Grant Name and SAGE Budget worksheet title
  • An award line special condition called "Fabrication"
  • 0% F&A rate
  • A project worktag to assist with the equipment tracking and depreciation processes

For more information, please visit Equipment Inventory Office's equipment fabrication webpage.

Award Lines that Don't Require SAGE Budget Worksheet

Cost Share

GCA creates a cost share award line upon receipt of the Award Setup Request or a SAGE Modification Request. Each request must be accompanied by a cost share addendum (currently being updated).

A cost share award line is identified in Workday by the following attributes:

  • "Cost Share" is in the Grant Name
  • Grant Hierarchy = "Cost Share"
  • Award line special condition that begins with "Cost Share" and then indicates the basis (dollar-based or effort-based)
  • Project worktag
  • Funding sources

For more information, please visit GCA's guidance on cost share

Program Income

When an award has program income, the campus unit completes the Program Income Request Form and submits it to GCA via Award Portal. Once the request is approved, GCA will create a program income award line in Workday to facilitate the tracking of revenue and expenses separate from the parent grant.

A program income award line is identified in Workday by the following attributes:

  • Grant Name includes "Program Income" 
  • Program Income Grant Hierarchy
  • An award line special condition called "Program Income - Additive" or "Program Income - Deductive"
  • 8% F&A rate

Note: The request for a new program income award line is done outside of the SAGE Award Setup Request and Modification processes.

Please see our Program Income webpage for more information.

Interest Income

Certain sponsors allow UW to earn interest on sponsor payments. When this happens, GCA creates a separate award line for the interest revenue and related expenses.

An interest income award line has the following attributes in Workday:

  • Award has "Interest Income" special condition
  • Grant Name includes "Interest"

Please see our Interest Income webpage for more information (currently being updated).
