Graduation applications received by either the Office of the University Registrar (for Bachelor's and Professional degrees) or the Graduate School (for Master's and Doctor's degrees). May include compiled lists of students eligible to graduate.

Official Copy: Office of the University Registrar (Registrar Student Services) (for Bachelor's and Professional degrees)
Retention: 1 year after end of quarter
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Official Copy: UW Bothell:  Student Affairs:  Registrar
Retention: 1 year after end of quarter
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Official Copy: UW Tacoma:  Enrollment Services
Retention: 1 year after end of quarter
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Official Copy: Graduate School (for Master's and Doctor's degrees)
Retention: 6 years after last quarter registered
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 1 year after date of graduation, or for those who do not graduate, 1 year after end of quarter
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete