Initiative: WebSpace Training Prep – User Roles and Registration

This initiative applies to departments that will participate in the Space Survey. 

The purpose of this initiative is to help departments that will be participating in the Space Survey prepare for WebSpace training in January by identifying which users will perform the inventory and/or survey and registering each for the correct WebSpace training session.  


Requested to complete by December 23, 2022 




Review the definitions for inventory and survey roles to determine who from the department should participate in each training. There may be one person, or many, for each role. 


Review the training schedule to determine which sessions department representatives will attend. At least one representative must attend one session for each topic area.  


Email to register for at least one training session for each topic area: inventory and survey. Include the department, the name(s) of the participant(s), and which session #/topic each will attend. 


Role Definitions 

Some participants will require training in both topic areas, while others will just need training in one, depending on their role in the process. 

Inventory Role 

Individuals assigned to this role should be familiar enough with their department’s space to perform the following activities: 

  • Validate room numbers, square footage, etc. ​ 

  • Understand room type definitions and ensure room type assignments are correct.  

  • Split spaces that are shared between multiple Principal Investigators (PI) or departments.  

  • Confirm which rooms are occupied or vacant; determine whether any rooms are missing or incorrectly included​. 

  • Collect and assign personnel to research and/or computational labs, including those paid by UW and those who are not paid (students, volunteers, agency employees, visiting scholars, etc.)​. 

  • Determine whether clustering is applicable and/or create clusters/suites of rooms assigned to a PI.​ 

  • Understand which rooms are used by a recharge/service center. ​ 

  • Understand anticipated space changes and renovations.  

Survey Role 

Department or business managers are generally assigned to this role. They are individuals who manage the fiscal operations of the department and are familiar with department budgets, including their start and end dates. ​ Individuals in this role should be familiar enough with their department’s budget to: 

  • Understand payroll and budgets charged for faculty and staff, which includes accessing payroll to confirm how employees are paid and other systems to validate Human Resource and other information​. 

  • Understand cost share and how to correctly reflect it. ​ 

  • Understand Uniform Guidance and how to apply definitions to reflect space usage. ​ 

  • Work with PIs/Lab Techs who are contributing to various projects to determine how much time they (and their staff) spend in a room​. 

  • Anticipate future staff and projects and account for them accordingly. 

Training Schedule 

Training will be provided by Maximus, the WebSpace vendor and be delivered remotely, via Zoom. The inventory sessions will be held first because all inventory updates need to be completed in WebSpace before the survey can begin.  

Multiple dates/times will be offered for each topic. Participants only need to attend one session for their topic(s): 


Session # 



1/10/23 (Tuesday), 2:00pm – 3:30pm 

1/12/23 (Thursday), 1:30pm – 3:00pm 

1/18/23 (Wednesday), 2:00pm – 3:30pm 


1/19/23 (Thursday), 1:30pm – 3:30pm (School of Medicine only

​1/24/23 (Tuesday), 1:30pm – 3:30pm 

1/25/23 (Wednesday), 9:30am – 11:30am 

1/31/23 (Tuesday), 1:30pm – 3:30pm 

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