Service and Recharge Centers Workday FAQs

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9 months
Submitted by mileytan on

Workday FAQs for Service and Recharge Centers

  • Create an ISP/ISD for internal billing.   
    • ISP stands for Internal Service Provider.  ISP is a UW department/unit providing goods or services to internal customers such as faculty, staff, students, and other departments. ISD stands for Internal Service Delivery.  ISD is a Workday transaction that records critical information related to the item(s) that an ISP provides to a requester. When approved, it generates revenue/recovery for the ISP and expense for the requester.  
    • Submit a ticket here for internal billing on approved rates: Internal Service Provider (ISP) Setup/Maintain 
  • Is the Recharge and Service Center ISP (Internal Service Provider) a one-to-one relationship? Or can multiple ISP’s be mapped to one single cost center? 
    • Workday recharge and service cost centers must have at least one ISP set up.  
  • New Program Income accounts are vetted by SPF.  Please fill out the Program Income Request Form and submit via Grant Tracker or email to  Please see their Program Site guide here: Program Income Guidelines  Please see PAFC site to learn more about Program Income.  Program Income requiring a rate review will be reviewed by MAA. 
    • If the award is ending and the center wish to continue revenue generation activity, the Program Income account closes and an ISP will need to be created. 
  • *NEW* Having trouble with your Cost Center because it’s in the Service and Recharge Cost Center Hierarchy?  Check this list (basic list of 14- budgets for reference) of legacy budgets to see if you’re part of the effort to create Service and Recharge ONLY Cost Centers specifically for Service and Recharge and their ISP’s. 
  • How is depreciation recorded in Workday? 
    • Depreciation expense is automatically processed as part of the period close activity and posted monthly.
  • Service and Recharge Depreciation Treatment Chart 
  • MyFD retired, how do I correct my depreciation? 
    • Please request a fund transfer with your Shared Environment.
  • What are the Resource worktags for use with Service and Recharge cost centers?
    • Service and Recharge cost centers may only use three Resource worktags –  RS100073 Center Operations Resource, RS100075 External Center Surcharge Resource and RS100076 Equipment Reserve Resource.  
  • When will new service and recharge center rate proposal template be available?  
    • There will be a new rate proposal template available by January 2024.
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