Faculty Effort Training Classes and Materials

Effort Web Content has moved to PAFC

Effective 1/1/2023, the effort reporting compliance team within Sponsored Programs Finance moved from Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA) to Post Award Fiscal Compliance (PAFC). This encompasses a change in where web content for effort reporting is housed. Moving forward, it will be on PAFC's website (https://finance.uw.edu/pafc/) under the Effort Reporting menu tab. Continual updates will be made throughout the rest of the calendar year (2023) to rebuild web content to reflect new systems and processes.

Classroom/Online Training Opportunities

In an effort to provide departments with the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully manage the effort certification process, Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA) provides the following training sessions. These sessions are divided into three categories, "Introductory," "Beyond the Basics," and "Advanced." 
In addition, MAA offers a certifcate program for the successful completion of eight or more of these classes. The following provides more information on the certificate program as well as the individual training sessions.

Certificate in Effort Reporting

Completion of the three "Introductory" classes and the five "Beyond the Basics" classes earns a "Certificate in Effort Reporting. Class rosters will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and individuals who qualify for the Certificate will be notified. A congratulatory email will also be sent to the participant's department administrator.
On completion of the remaining two "Advanced" classes and additional "Certificate in Advanced Effort Reporting" will be awarded.

Introductory Classes

Faculty Effort Certification, Beyond the Basics Modules

Provides a more in depth review of specific and more complicated effort reporting issues.

Advanced Beyond the Basics Modules


Provides an overview of the Online FEC with definitions and terms.
Provides an overview of the Summary FEC with definitions and terms.
Detailed instructions for certifying an FEC, illustrated
Provides a basic introduction to the FEC process and eFECS system.
Designed for FEC Coordinators and Administrators
A short slide show to introduce Faculty to eFECS.
Template of the notification faculty first receive from eFECS 20 days before FECs should be certified.
Instructions for certifying an FEC.
Explains how to use MyFD's Transaction Summary Report to access salary transfers for any organization code.
Outlines the official policy for effort reporting at UW. 
Outlines general information on preparing a grant. See budget section for salaries and cost sharing.
Outlines the official UW policy on salary transfers.
Outlines official UW guidelines for cost sharing on Grants and Contracts.
UW Office of Research Guidelines for Applying the new Uniform Guidance.
General information on faculty effort, certification requirements, faculty cost share, retention schedule, links to related information.
Provides an overview of cost sharing types, requirements and tools for reporting.
Provides up to date grant and contract information by budget enabling campus to better manage awards.
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, & Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
Summary of salary caps for current and prior years and links to annual notice.
Information about NIH Career Development Awards (K Awards).
Instructions for deteriming full time effort for faculty with Career Development Awards (K Awards)
Policy for reduction of effort on K Awards during last two years of award.


ECC Training

Coming Soon – New Training for Effort Reporting in ECC 

Electronic Faculty Effort and Cost Sharing System (eFECS) is retiring to support UW Finance Transformation (UWFT) and the implementation of Workday Finance and a new effort reporting solution—Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC)—is being implemented. 

Intro training is now available for ECC, along with the schedule for more training coming soon here.  

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