How do I find out what my educational tax credit might be?

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15 years 7 months
Submitted by phamlin on
Student Fiscal Services (SFS) notifies each student of the amount of tuition and mandatory fees paid by them or on their behalf each year. Students (and alumni recently graduated) receive this information in late January or early-to-mid-February by mail or electonically (you may opt-in to electronic reporting via [MyUW]( A summary of education tax credits is available on the SFS [website]( There are federal regulations regarding who can get a tax credit on their federal income tax. It is the student’s responsibility to determine the applicable tax regulations regarding these items as **UW does NOT determine if you qualify**. It is recommended that the taxpayer seek competent tax advice outside of UW to determine eligibility. Visit the [IRS website]( for additional information. [IRS Publication 970]( Tax Beneifts for Education
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