A hold has been placed on your account to address a balance owed. To view your balance, please review your tuition statement.
It is important for you to address past due balances as soon as possible. Consequences for non-payment of debt owed can include holds on registration and transcripts remaining in place, possible referral to a collection agency, where a collection fee will be assessed and will be due in full at the time of the referral to the third party. The fee will be based on a percentage at a maximum of 40% of the debt as authorized by RCW 19.16.500, and may include reasonable costs and expenses including attorney’s fees Additionally, delinquent accounts may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.
To give you more information about where to go to make payments or set up payment arrangements, please complete the Holds Inquiry Form so we can give you the most up to date information.
Seattle Campus
For balances owed for UW Seattle Housing, your charges will appear on your account with their office . To make payments or set up a payment plan please visit/contact Housing and Food Services.
Bothell Campus
For balances owed for UW Bothell Housing, your charges will appear on your tuition account. To make payments or set up a payment plan please email uwbhousing@uw.edu or by phone at 425-352-3839. Current residents who have not previously paid or setup an extension through the housing office will have holds placed on their student registration and may have their housing terminated, per the housing agreement. Former residents with past due housing balances will be sent to collections the following quarter after non-payment.
Tacoma Campus
For balances owed for UW Tacoma Housing, your charges will appear on your tuition account. Payments can be made on your tuition account or, to set up a payment plan please contact: court17@uw.edu or 253.274.9000. Former student residents with past due balances may not be eligible to return to on-campus housing.
PCE/Continuum College
If you are a student with PCE/Continuum College, your charges will show on your My UW under PCE-Continuum College. To make payments or set up a payment plan please visit/contact:
Phone: 206-543-2310
Email: c2reg@uw.edu
In Person: 4311 11th Avenue N.E., Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98105-4608
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.