I don't have an email address. How can I get information about my tuition account?

Member for

15 years 7 months
Submitted by phamlin on
If you do not have an email address on your UW record, you will be sent notices via postal mail rather than email tuition notices. However, we *strongly* encourage all students and/or parents to receive tuition notices via email as this is a cost savings to the UW and, by extension as a State University, to the taxpayers. You may add an email address at anytime to get your notices electronically via email: just login to [MyUW](http://myuw.washington.edu/) and use the selections under *Personal Services* to update. As a student, you may get an email account through the UW from one of several contracted service providers including [UW Outlook Live](http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/teamwork/windowslive.html), [UW Google Email](http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/teamwork/googleapps.html), and even use your [NETID](https://uwnetid.washington.edu/manage/) as a UW email address to forward email to another email account. See [IT Connect for Students](http://www.washington.edu/itconnect/forstudents.html) for more information.
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