Student Accounts Reports

Reporting Services

In alignment with the UW’s Two Years to Two Decades Initiative (2y2d), SFS is working with UWIT Decision Support to migrate all student account reports to Reporting Services. The migration of these reports will allow departments to self-serve.

The reports are generated dynamically from the UW’s enterprise data warehouse (EDW) via a web browser over a secure connection (requires login using your netid). Report features (e.g., column sorting, etc.) are most accurately displayed using Internet Explorer.

Requesting Access

To run these reports, departmental staff must first request access to the appropriate data. All requests are reviewed by data custodians (e.g., SFS for access to student account data, OSFA for access to student financial aid data, etc.) prior to access being granted.

To request access:

  1. Complete the access request form
  2. For Access Role, select Student Fiscal Analyst
  3. Make sure to complete all fields
  4. Submit the form

Access requests may take up to ten business days to be reviewed.

Finding Reports

A complete catalog of reports is available from Decision Support.

To access student account reports:

  1. Navigate to the DSS Reporting Services production server
  2. User name: NETID\your netid
  3. Password: your netid password
  4. Click on the Academics folder
  5. Browse to, and click on, the report title
  6. Enter the appropriate parameters
  7. Click on the View Report button

Alternately, go directly to the student account reports folder.


Parameters are predefined search criteria that are used to select specific data to display in the report. Some of these are defined pull-down pick lists, while others are open format fill-in-the-blank fields. It is important to note that the software used to deliver reports does not check the validity of free form parameters. If you enter an invalid parameter, you will receive either an error message or a report containing no data. In order to reduce the number of items in such lists, things like charge codes or budget numbers may be constrained by other parameters (such a quarter and year) or by using part of the charge code or budget number (usually the first two digits) as a parameter to create the list. Also, in order to limit the impact of report generation on all users of the system, SFS reports based on charge codes or budget numbers limit selection to a single instance of a charge code or budget number at a time. While this may be an inconvenience when needing to review activity across multiple charge codes or budget numbers, some of these will contain so many records that running more than one at a time would seriously impair server performance to the detriment of all users.

Getting Help

If you need assistance, please see Decision Support’s page, What do you need to do?.

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