Frequently Asked Questions
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University of Washington
P.O. Box 24967
Seattle, WA 98124
Students need to report all scholarships to the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) if they were not already reported on their award notice.
Note: To check on the status of a scholarship, first call the sponsor.
To access your AmeriCorps award, you can complete your request online through your AmeriCorps account.
Your student account will be credited for the amount you are eligible to receive. Any charges not covered by AmeriCorps must be paid by the student.
The University of Washington will invoice Third Party scholarship providers that have agreed to pay all or a portion of a student’s tuition, fees, or other charges.
If classes are added after the first day of the quarter, which increase your tuition balance, please email to inform Student Fiscal Services of this change. We will then send an additional invoice to your scholarship provider.
You must turn in a government agency purchase order, field order, contract, or employer sponsorship letter to Student Fiscal Services at the beginning of each quarter. Once this is received, your account will be credited and SFS will bill your scholarship provider. It will be your responsibility to pay any charges not covered by your scholarship provider or if we do not receive payment on your behalf.
If you are registered only for UW PCE classes, scholarship funds cannot be released to pay your tuition or to print you a check. Contact UW PCE for payment instructions.
All scholarships are processed through the Seattle campus and will be applied to your account in the same way regardless of which campus you attend. Please submit any necessary paperwork to the Seattle campus.
Please contact Student Fiscal Services to have a refund sent to your scholarship provider. You will need a contact name and current address for your scholarship provider in order to ensure accurate refunds.
If scholarship providers wish to have excess funds returned to them, they will need to collect the money directly from you.
Note: University of Washington does not forward any scholarship funds to other institutions. We will return your scholarship to your donor and they can re-issue the check to your school.