I cannot make payment on my long-term loan by the due date. What should I do?

Member for

15 years 7 months
Submitted by phamlin on
Late loan payments often result in a late fee being applied to your account. If you think or know your payment will be late, you should contact [Student Fiscal Services](http://finance.uw.edu/sfs/students) as soon as possible. If you can make the payment soon, but know it will be late, please: + Send us an [Email](http://finance.uw.edu/sfs/contact) (available to send 24 hours a day - answered M-F, 8 AM to 5 PM) + Start a [Live Chat](https://messenger.providesupport.com/messenger/uw_sfs.html) with customer service staff + Call our customer service line at 206-543-4694. + Visit our office in [Schmitz Hall, Room 129](http://finance.uw.edu/sfs/location-hours). Make sure to include your name and student ID number when contacting us. If you are having financial difficulty and are not sure you will be able to make the payment at all, please call or stop in and ask to speak with (or make an appointment with) a Receivables Advisor.
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