The Tax Office has a variety of resources available. These resources can help UW personnel better understand and manage their tax and tax compliance responsibilities. Explore these resources here:
UW Tax Exempt Status - The University of Washington is a tax exempt institution of the Washington State Government. Donors, grantors, and others requesting proof of the University's tax exempt status should be provided with a copy of the Tax Exempt Status Letter.
Tax Training Presentations - The UW Tax Office offers a variety of tax trainings for UW employees. These trainings can help employees better understand federal, state, and local taxes. If you've ever wondered when an individual may be classified as an independent contractor and when s/he is actually an employee, what services are taxable in Washington state, or whether you need to charge tax when renting out space for a summer camp, then these courses are for you!
Forms, Publications and Other Tax Links - Tools for getting answers fast! Find copies of the UW's W-9 form and the forms needed to process payments to international travelers, as well as several forms developed by the UW Tax Office to help departments determine whether to hire an individual as an employee or independent contractor (Forms 1631 and 1632). Additionally, the Tax Office has provided copies of several relevant IRS Publications and Washingotn State Statutes and Regulations.
Taxability Grid - The taxabilty grid provides a high-level overview of the taxability of a wide variety of items commonly purchased by UW, as well as suggested object codes for many of those items. Great for quickly deciding whether an item is taxable or not. Have a suggestion? Email!