1099 Reporting Process

All payments made to 1099 reportable suppliers, including travel expenses, will be captured and reported on Form 1099 MISC. These forms will be distributed in January of each year. Suppliers are responsible for deducting associated business expenses on their tax return, if applicable. Therefore, suppliers will need to retain all original receipts in order to deduct their expenses. If your agreements require suppliers to provide receipts to document reimbursed travel, they should provide copies and retain originals for their own tax filing activities. Any original receipts submitted to a department should be returned to the supplier.
Honorarium Exception:  Travel expenses associated with honorarium payments will be allowed to be process through eTravel and by doing so, they will not be captured on Form 1099 MISC. Any travel reimbursement processed through eTravel will be subject to Washington State travel rules and receipt requirements. Any honorarium travel that is not processed through eTravel will be reported as income to the speaker. See the Honorarium website for more information about honoraria payments and associated expenses.