International Taxes

The Global Support webpage contains detailed information about paying foreign nationals in the United States. Links to the relevant pages are provided below. 

Work Abroad Request Form

Overview of Payments to Foreign Nationals - general information for making payments to foreign nationals and FAQs 
Honorarium Payments to Foreign Nationals - how to pay an honorarium 
Forms Needed to Process Payments - related forms
UW Tax responsibilities - what is required from the University
Tax Responsibilities of Foreign Nationals - what is required from the foreign national
Glossary of Tax and Immigration Terms - terms you need to know
Payment Flowcharts & Checklists - miscellaneous charts and lists
Description of Forms - form number, form name and purpose of the form
Non-Resident Alien Payment - related information


NOTE: If you plan to provide services or do business in a foreign country, particularly Canada, please contact the tax office (