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UW Finance Transformation

An Enormous Thank You – Benchmarking & Data Gathering - Message from Brian McCartan and Ann Anderson

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the entire UWFT Program: THANK YOU!!

Each and every unit within the University of Washington has successfully responded to our information requests for the Finance Transformation Benchmarking & Data Gathering effort.

The result: On time! One hundred percent participation!

This is the first major milestone the program has achieved that relied on such a large group of collaborators to respond at an incredibly busy time of year. Without a doubt, it was a herculean effort by hundreds of administrators, as well as technical and functional experts…absolutely terrific participation and commitment.

The success of this effort speaks to the energy and dedication of everyone involved. It also establishes a strong foundation for the program to build upon, both in terms of the information gathered as well as the collaborative culture we are hoping to establish. Although UWFT is still a young program that is learning fast and moving fast, we ask for your continued patience, counsel and input to help us improve along the way.

The UWFT program team’s attention has already shifted to the next steps for this effort: analyzing the thousands of data pieces we’ve collected from you. We may have follow-up questions about that data, and will be in touch in the coming weeks if necessary. In the fall, we plan to share the findings with you either in person or via email.

Once again, thank you so very much for your attention to this effort!

Brian and Ann
Brian McCartan, Vice President of Finance
Ann Anderson, Associate Vice President, Enterprise Services, UW Finance