Global Operations Support provides the guidance, tools, and resources for staff and faculty planning and administering research, projects, or programs abroad.
This site is designed to provide easily accessible information and resources for coordinating the many logistics involved with developing and implementing global activities and projects.
Planning Your Activity Abroad
Whether you are initiating or expanding a program in another country or conducting a long-term research project abroad, there is considerable planning and organization required that involves unfamiliar laws, regulations, taxes and more. When developing a proposal and implementation process for these global activities, you must consider a range of factors beyond those associated with the same work conducted domestically. Operational considerations for global activities may include:
- Determination of what type of legal registration (and/or registration with other host country authorities) is required
- Collaboration agreements or Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with local institutions
- Compliance with local employment and contractor services laws
- Effects of currency exchange rates on program budgets
- Ensuring the health, safety, and security of participants
- Ensuring availability of funds in-country for local expenses
- Purchasing logistics
- Visa and work permit requirements in-country for participants
- Technology infrastructure in host country to support the educational activities
- Export control laws
International Project Guidance
The International Projects Start-Up Guide is a resource for faculty and staff who are planning and implementing international sponsored projects. The guide provides information on:
- Issues that may impact how an international project is budgeted
- UW policies and guidelines related to international work
- Checklists, charts and contracts to use in planning, budgeting and implementing projects
All faculty and staff with current global activities or considering new global ventures are advised to familiarize themselves with the contents of the International Projects Administrative Guide. For questions not addressed in the guide, or to follow up on specific issues of a global activity, contact the individuals listed in the Global Single Points of Contact list.
Health, Safety and Security
All UW students, faculty and staff traveling outside the U.S. should think ahead about health, safety and security. UW Global Travelers is available to provide you with step-by-step preparation support and to assist with difficult situations abroad.