Federal Uniform Guidance

The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued consolidated and revised regulations pertaining to federal awards (Uniform Guidance), which took effect December 26, 2014. These regulations supersede Circulars A-21, A-110, and A-133.

Links to the Federal Uniform Guidance

UW Guides to the Federal Uniform Guidance

These handouts are quick reference guides intended to assist PIs and Administrators as they navigate areas of the Uniform Guidance that have changed from previous federal regulations.

Guidance for Proposal Development

Review guidance on budget preparation for proposal submission.

Previous Circulars

These circulars may still apply to Awards issued prior to 12/26/14. Review your Award document to determine applicable federal regulations.


Post Award Fiscal Compliance email: gcafco@uw.edu

For questions and issues relating to Effort Reporting, email: effortreporting@uw.edu

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