A National Research Service Awards (NRSA) institutional research Training Grant is an Award to develop or enhance research training opportunities for individuals who are training for careers in specified areas of biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research. A single Training Grant can support multiple trainees.
The NRSA guidelines are applicable to all DHHS Training Grants. References included on this page are from NIH’s Grants Policy Statement (GPS) Section 11.3 Institutional Research Training Grants and are generally applicable to training grants issued by DHHS agencies (e.g., AHRQ, CDC, & HRSA). Relevant sections of the GPS are noted below. As always, be sure to review the agency-specific regulations and the applicable Program Announcements for any unique provisions pertaining to the specific Training Grant.
Training Grants may be made for competitive segments of up to five years and are renewable. Grants within an approved competitive segment normally are made in 12-month increments, referred to as budget periods. Support for additional non-competitive years depends on satisfactory progress, submission of all required trainee-related documents, and availability of funds.
Training Grant components are organized into three categories:
- Trainee Costs
- Trainee-Related Expenses
- Trainee Travel
1. Trainee Costs
Trainees receive a stipend as a subsistence allowance to help defray living expenses during their appointment. It is not provided as a condition of UW employment. Stipends must be paid in accordance with the NIH stipend levels in effect at the time of appointment. NIH stipend amounts may be adjusted only at the time of appointment or reappointment.
Trainees may be appointed at any time within the budget period for a 12-month appointment, even if the 12 months extend beyond the end date of the budget period or competitive segment end.
Stipends are paid twice a month in accordance with standard UW payroll transactions. The annual stipend should be prorated for appointments less than 12 months.
Stipends may be taxable but UW does not withhold taxes. Trainees are responsible for paying any necessary income taxes. Refer to UW’s Tax Office guidance on stipends for additional information.
Stipend Object Codes
For Post-doctoral trainees:
- 01-50: Includes a fringe benefit charge to 07-10 health care for health insurance
- 08-02: Does not include fringe benefits
For Pre-doctoral trainees:
- 01-90: Includes a fringe benefit charge to 07-03 Graduate Student Health Insurance for health insurance
- 08-02: Does not include fringe benefits
Stipend Supplements
Stipends may be supplemented by non-Federal funds, provided there is no additional obligation to the trainee. Supplementation policies must be consistently applied to all individuals in a similar status regardless of the source of funds.
Tuition is an allowable trainee cost only if such charges are applied consistently to all individuals in a similar training status at the UW, without regard to their source of support. Additionally, tuition at the postdoctoral level is limited to that required for specific courses in support of the approved training program and requires approval from the federal sponsor.
Tuition coverage is as follows:
- Pre-doctoral: 60% of the level requested by UW, up to $16,000 per year, will be provided. If the program supports formally combined dual-degree training (e.g., MD/PhD, DDS/PhD), the amount provided will be up to $21,000 per year.
- Post-doctoral: 60% of the level requested by UW, up to $4,500 per year, will be provided. If the program supports postdoctoral individuals in formal degree-granting training, the amount provided will be up to $16,000 per year.
2. Trainee-Related Expenses
A fixed amount of funds is provided to cover costs associated with the trainee and program. This includes the cost of trainee health insurance. These funds can be used for any expense that supports the trainee and is allowable on federal awards.
3. Trainee Travel Costs
Travel costs that are necessary for the trainee to complete the objectives of the grant can be included in the Training Grant proposal.
F&A Costs
Allowable at 8% of MTDC, Base 23, which excludes subcontracts, equipment and tuition.
Part-time Employment
Trainees are generally required to pursue their research training on a full-time basis. Full-time is generally defined as devoting at least 40 hours per week to the program, or as specified by the UW. See NIH GPS
Per NIH regulations, Trainees may spend on average an additional 25% of their time (10 hours per week) in part-time employment in research, teaching, or clinical activities, so long as those activities do not interfere with, or lengthen, the duration of their training.
Compensation may not be paid from a research grant that supports the same research that is part of the trainee’s planned training experience as approved in the Training Grant application. See NIH GPS
Funds may be rebudgeted between the three categories only as follows (NIH GPS 11.3.9):
Trainee Costs can be rebudgeted:
- Within the Trainee Costs categories (from tuition to stipends and vice versa) without sponsor approval; or
- Into the Trainee-Related or Trainee Travel categories with sponsor approval.
- Trainee-Related and Trainee Travel funds may be rebudgeted into Trainee Costs without sponsor approval.