Progress Update

Progress Update on Post-Award Grant Backlogs

In March 2024, Sponsored Programs Finance implemented a three pronged-strategy aimed at streamlining processes and ultimately eliminating workflow backlogs in its units. The full strategy is available here.
In short, the original strategy consisted of the following:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment with Huron Consulting Group
  2. Strategic Surge Hiring Initiative
  3. Collaboration with the Office of Research (OR)

Since then, Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA) has made meaningful progress in most of its major workflows. Additional focused efforts are ongoing in areas where progress has been slower or delayed.

Workflow and Backlog Updates

  • The backlog of SAGE Award Setup Requests (ASRs) and Modification Requests (MODs) has been eliminated, achieving our commitment to campus of full resolution by the end of the Fiscal Year 2024. The GCA Award Setup Team now acts on all ASRs and MODs within five business days of receipt from the Office of Sponsored Programs or campus partners. The surge hiring, OR’s implementation of the Award Plan integration from SAGE to Workday and OR’s work developing new SAGE Budget resources for campus contributed to the success of the GCA Award Setup Team.
  • The GCA Reporting Team reduced the financial report backlog by 63%. Two key success factors were the surge hiring initiative and delivery of new automated tools developed by the UW DATAGroup.
  • The backlog of expired, unclosed award lines remains challenging. We expect to see improvement throughout the coming months as the processes continue to be defined and job aids developed. Additionally, staff hired as a result of the surge staffing plan will transition from other workflows to the GCA Closing Team in August. The Huron Consulting Group continues to assist with finalizing process documentation and delivering employee training.

Our Commitment

As we continue to move toward stabilizing our processes, we keep GCA’s mission in mind: To enable amazing science by reducing PI administrative burden. We recognize and appreciate the support of Finance, Budgeting, and Planning (FPB) senior leadership, the patience of the University research community, and the continued hard work of GCA staff during this challenging time.

Stay Informed

Here are a few ways to stay updated on what’s happening in GCA:

  • GCA will continue to maintain the GCA Workload Metrics webpage so you can track progress on current work as well as backlogs.
  • Subscribe to the Monthly Research Administration Meeting (MRAM) listserv here. GCA presents regularly at the monthly MRAM meetings and uses the listserv to send emails about process and policy updates.
  • GCA is hosting information sessions for campus partners on various GCA processes through the end of September. Visit GCA Information Sessions for Campus for more information.
  • Updates on FPB stabilization efforts are available on the FPB Blog.
  • Other ways to stay up to date are in the Stay Informed section in GCA Resources.