If our research lab moves locations during the year, how do we functionalize the space?

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3 years 5 months
Submitted by marend1 on

All of the space occupied by the department should be functionalized regardless of how long a department occupied a given space.   

If a space is occupied by different occupants during the year, space functionalization should take into consideration use of all occupants during the base year.  The current owner/assignee should coordinate with all prior occupants of the space.   

How do we address occupants funded by Howard Hughes?

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3 years 5 months
Submitted by marend1 on

The same way as space occupied by outside persons and paid by external entities or organizations (e.g., external researchers).  If they have an UWID, you will be able to search for their name and add them as an occupant, however, since they are not paid by UW their activity will automatically be defaulted to Other Institutional Activity (OIA).

Do Unpaid Volunteers need to be added as occupants in research rooms?

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3 years 5 months
Submitted by marend1 on

If the Unpaid Volunteers spent any significant amount of time in research rooms, then need to be added as occupants using Add Manually option in WebSpace. The same process applies to undergraduate students, high school students, graduate students, visitors or agency employees.

I have faculty/staff working at a hospital – how should I account for their activities and time spent there?

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3 years 5 months
Submitted by marend1 on

The faculty/staff’s time working at a hospital should not be included as part of the % of time reported for the individual when surveying a research lab.  The hospital space is not a part of the F&A Rate calculation for the UW. As a result, any individual who spends time at the hospital or other non-UW facility should not have 100% of time reported in the research lab.  

How are we functionalizing 255 Service Rooms and Recharge Centers?

Member for

3 years 5 months
Submitted by marend1 on

255 Service Rooms will be functionalized using the weighted average of the activities of the rooms they support – an automated calculation performed within WebSpace. Recharge centers will be functionalized based on their billing information – using data available in WebSpace.

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