Denying a Request


GCA has the ability to deny an Award Setup Request (ASR), a Modification Request (MOD), or an Advance Extension in SAGE. This webpage provides information on the process.


  1. GCA reviews the ASR/MOD and its attachments.
  2. GCA adds a comment to the item's Comments & History explaining why the request was denied.
  3. The Request Status of the item changes to "Denied" which is visible from the SAGE tasklist.
  4. Denying an Advance Extension generates a SAGE notification to campus but denying an ASR or MOD does not.

Reasons to Deny a Request

  • Incorrect routing was selected on a MOD​
    • GCA Only vs. OSP/GCA​
    • OSP/GCA if sponsor approval is required, an authorized official signature, or OSP review is needed​
  • Wrong item type is submitted​
  • Duplicate request​
  • Request is no longer needed​
    • e.g. Submitted an Advance Request but the ASR is processed first