Known Issues


As with any implementation, unexpected issues pop up that need to be resolved. This page captures the issues that we are currently aware of, including their status. If you identify an issue that is not on this list, please let us know:

 The content on this webpage is updated weekly on Mondays.

Outstanding Issues List

PAAs are posting while award line is in "Closeout in Progress" status (6/24/2024)

Issue - Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) are posting while the award line is in "Closeout in Progress" status. This was left out of the custom validation that dictates what Award Line Lifecycle Statuses allow campus to post expenses. 

Originally added - February 9, 2024; re-posted on June 24, 2024

Process - Closeout

Status -  UW-IT is currently testing solutions.

Expected Resolution Date - July 31, 2024

Non-subaward expenses posting to subaward award lines and vice versa (6/13/2024)

Issue - Non-subaward expenses are able to post to subaward award lines and their grant worktags and subaward expenses can post to non-subaward award lines in Workday.

Added - June 13, 2024

Process - Interim Award Management

Status - UW-IT’s Financial Application Management team is creating a custom validation in Workday that will prevent non-subaward expenses from posting to a subaward award line/grant worktag.

Workaround - Campus can use the Workday R1234 report to monitor subaward award lines for non-subaward expenses and non-subaward award expenses on subaward award lines. Once identified, campus will need to prepare an accounting adjustment to transfer the expense to the correct worktag.

Expected Resolution Date - August 15, 2024

Cost share spend charging incorrect funding sources (4/4/2024)

Issue - Workday funding source condition rules are not running properly so cost share spend is charging the default funding source or an incorrect funding source.

Added - April 4, 2024

Process - Cost Share

Status - Huron is currently analyzing the issue.

Workaround - No current workaround

Expected Resolution Date - August 31, 2024

Gap in Fabrication Business Process Documentation (3/6/2024)

Issue - GCA's current business process documentation addresses fabrication for awards created in Workday. There is little documentation that refers to converted awards and this gap is creating delays in creating final financial reports for converted awards.

Added - March 6, 2024

Process - Reporting

Status - A fabrication process job aid is currently under review by campus partners.

Workaround - GCA works with EIO on a case-by-case basis that fabrications are complete before submitting final financial reports to sponsors.

Expected Resolution Date - July 31, 2024

Supplies expenses on CR invoices are incorrectly appearing as "Equipment" (2/15/2024)

Issue - Sponsor invoices for some cost reimbursable awards are displaying expenses charged to the "Supplies and Materials" as "Equipment".

Added - February 15, 2024

Process - Invoicing

Status - GCA has reported the issue and will prioritize the issue with the Financial Application Management team.

Workaround - No workaround

Expected Resolution Date - TBD

F&A charging incorrectly for sponsored programs with F&A caps (2/8/2024)

Issue - Workday is undercharging awards that have a sponsor-approved F&A cap.

Added - February 8, 2024

Process - Award Management

Status - GCA has reported the issue and will prioritize the issue with the Financial Application Management team.

Workaround - No workaround

Expected Resolution Date - TBD

Tuition expenses appear without student names (2/2/2024)

Issue - Tuition expenses appear without student names in Workday and on sponsor invoices

Added - February 2, 2024

Process - Invoicing

Status - GCA is working with UW-IT to define the scope of the issue. 

Workaround - No workaround

Expected Resolution Date - August 31, 2024

Supplier invoices are stuck in Draft status (11/29/2023)

Issue - Supplier invoices are stuck in Draft status due to a variety of issues

Added - November 29, 2023

Process - Award Management

Status - GCA is reviewing a potential Workday business configuration with Enterprise Business Services.

Workaround - GCA receives a report of draft supplier invoices and manually updates Workday as needed.

Expected Resolution Date - August 31, 2024

Tuition expenses are posting as scholarships (11/22/2023)

Issue - Tuition expenses are posting as scholarships which has tax implications and creates F&A issues

Added - November 22, 2023

Process - Award Management

Status - A working group is remediating the Student Database (SDB) and creating new spend categories.

Workaround - No current workaround

Expected Resolution Date - August 31, 2024


Resolved Issues

Personnel expenses appear in wrong part of sponsor invoices

Issue - Salaries and fringe benefit expenses appear in the Unallocated section of cost reimbursable invoices

Added - November 13, 2023

Process - Invoicing

Status -  Resolved July 9, 2024

Resolution - Salaries and fringe benefit expenses appear in the appropriate section of cost reimbursable invoices.

Discrepancies between Award Line Company and Cost Centers

Issue - Workday requires that the award line company match the cost centers on the award line and grant. When the values don't align, it can prevent campus from posting expenses, GCA from creating sponsor invoices, and RCA from posting cash received for letter of credit drawdowns.

Added - April 8, 2024

Process - Award Setup, Invoicing, Cash Application

Status - Resolved June 5, 2024

Resolution - GCA will need to create a new award line and grant worktag if the cost center change includes a company change.

Cannot change Workday budget date for miscellaneous payments

Issue - Workday does not allow the Budget Date to be changed once a miscellaneous payment posts 

Added - November 29, 2023

Process - Award Management

Status - Resolved April 24, 2024

Resolution - According to the Budget Dates in Workday article, Budget Dates for miscellaneous payments can be changed when the transaction is in "Draft" or "In Progress" status. Once the transaction is "Completed" or "Settled", the Budget Date cannot be changed. GCA has a process to help in these cases. Please send an Award Portal ticket to GCA for assistance.

Sponsor invoices can't include expenses associated with UW1861 and SOM

Issue - GCA can’t create a sponsor invoice that includes expenses associated with UW1861 and expenses associated with SOM. This happens most commonly with payroll expenses.

Added - April 22, 2024

Process - Invoicing

Status - Resolved April 22, 2024

Resolution - GCA will notify campus using Award Portal that this is an issue and request that the campus unit process Payroll Accounting Adjustments to correct the company.

No process for "fringe benefit only" cost transfers

Issue - No defined process for transferring fringe benefit expenses only (without corresponding salary)

Added - December 29, 2023

Process - Award Management

Status - Resolved April 17, 2024

Resolution - GCA and Huron have documented the process for transferring unallowable fringe benefits from a sponsored program award in Workday. GCA will identify awards that require these transfers and process journals as needed.

Shared Environments can't edit Workday budget dates

Issue - Shared Environments don't have the appropriate Workday security role to edit Workday Budget Dates

Added - January 19, 2024

Process - Award Management

Status - Resolved on April 16, 2024

Resolution - It has been decided that GCA will retain the ability to edit budget dates for certain transactions. Send an email to with the Workday Award number, Grant worktag, Transaction Type, Transaction #, Correct Budget Date. Please visit the UW Connect article Budget Date in Workday for information about the types of Workday transactions that have budget dates.

No SAGE notification for new advance requests

Issue - SAGE does not send a notification when GCA processes a new advance request

Added - January 11, 2024

Process - Award Setup

Status - Resolved on April 11, 2024

Cannot void legacy invoices in Workday

Issue - GCA cannot void legacy invoices in Workday

Added - November 13, 2023

Process - Invoicing

Status - Resolved on March 25, 2024

NIH awards appear as NIGMS in Workday

Issue - Workday awards where NIH is the Sponsor or the Prime Sponsor now appear with National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS).

Added - February 26, 2024

Process - Award Setup

Status - Resolved on February 28, 2024

Resolution - GCA now has an enhanced Workday report that provides an audit trail for sponsor changes.

Budget Column on CR Invoices is incorrectly displaying "$0.00" instead of WD Plan

Issue - Sponsor invoices for cost reimbursable awards include a column for the Workday Award Plan. This column is displaying "$0.00" instead of the dollar amount entered into the Workday Award Plan.

Added - February 15, 2024

Process - Invoicing

Status - Resolved on February 23, 2024

Resolution - Workday now automatically generates the sponsor invoices with the correct award plan totals.

Campus cannot submit advance extensions to GCA in SAGE

Original Issue - Campus could not submit advance extensions to GCA in SAGE

Process - Award Setup

Status - Resolved on November 30, 2023

Instructions - SAGE Extending an Advance webpage

Tuition charges not showing up as billable within Workday

Original Issue - Tuition charges were not showing up as billable within Workday

Process - Invoicing

Status - Resolved on November 22, 2023

UW month-end close process delayed sponsor invoices

Original Issue - Month end close process was delaying sponsor invoices

Process - Invoicing

Status - Resolved on December 8, 2023

Salary over the cap posting incorrectly to a grant

Original Issue - Salary over the cap was posting incorrectly to a grant

Process - Award Management

Status - Resolved on November 21, 2023 

No instructions for campus to invoice external customers for program income activity

Original Issue - No instructions for campus to invoice external customers for program income activity

Process - Award Management

Status - Resolved on November 13, 2023

Job Aid / Instructions - Program Income Invoice (for external customers) and Program Income Internal Journal (for internal customers)

Workday R1234 report is missing cost share information

Issue - Workday R1234 Grant Budget vs. Actual report is missing cost share information

Process - Award Management, Invoicing, Reporting, Closing

Status - Resolved on November 9, 2023