Troubleshooting Workday Issues on Awards and Grants

This webpage provides common Workday issues and errors related to sponsored programs and how to resolve them.

Workday Company Discrepancies


When GCA creates a cost reimbursable sponsor invoice, we have learned that the invoice can only include expenses belonging to the company associated with the award line/grant worktag. If there are expenses within the same period that belong to a different company, they will not be included in the invoice.

How to Resolve

GCA will request that the campus unit process an accounting adjustment to transfer expenses to the correct company.

Supplier Invoices in Draft Status


Supplier invoices can be in “Draft” status because the Award Line Lifecycle Status is "Closeout in Progress" which prevents new expenditures from posting​ or because the award line has a spend restriction preventing it from posting to Workday.

Per GIM 39, all expenses must post to an award by the Final Action Date. Expenses that do not post by the Final Action Date are considered late and will not be included in the final invoice and/or final financial report​.

Grant & Contract Accounting and Procurement Services have created a process to manage these situations.

How to Resolve

When a supplier invoice is in “Draft” status:

  1. A request will route to the Grant Manager​'s Workday inbox to review the supplier invoice in Workday.
  2. The Grant Manager can approve or deny the invoice in Workday​.
    1. The Grant Manager reviews the request to determine that the supplier invoice should post to the grant worktag or to another worktag.
  3. If the supplier invoice does not belong on the grant worktag, the Grant Manager denies the request. This step ends the request. A new supplier invoice request needs to be initiated with a new funding worktag so the supplier can be paid.​
  4. If the supplier invoice is allowable on the grant worktag, the Grant Manager approves the supplier invoice in Workday and sends an Award Portal using the topic “Pending Supplier Invoice” for GCA to review.
  5. GCA reviews the request, including whether a final invoice or final financial report has been submitted to the sponsor.
    1. GCA will inform campus if written sponsor approval is needed. This approval must be obtained before GCA will approve the supplier invoice request.
    2. If a spend restriction caused the error, GCA will review the sponsor's award document and the award in Workday to determine if there was an error in the setup process or if the supplier invoice is unallowable.
  6. GCA may deny the request if the final invoice and or final financial report has been sent to the sponsor, and no sponsor approval has been obtained​ or if the sponsor disapproves the request.
    1. If GCA denies the request in Workday, the Grant Manager will receive a Workday notification that the request was denied. A new supplier invoice request needs to be initiated with a new funding worktag so the supplier can be paid.​
    2. If GCA approves the request, they will approve the request in Workday and update the Award Portal ticket to inform the Grant Manager.
  7. The supplier invoice will be paid during the next settlement run the following Monday.