Workflow and Backlog Tracking

This page includes backlog and current workload metrics for each major workflow process in Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA) and provides context for the trend within each process. Some of the workflow categories do not have historical data as data collection only began in mid-February. This page is updated weekly on Mondays. We are currently working on metrics for the Invoicing process and will add a section for that workflow once available.

For more information, visit our Sponsored Programs Finance webpage about our strategy to reduce our workflow backlogs.

Additional Data Analysis

Access the GCA Workload Metrics with Details (requires VPN) to filter the data further for any of the following five graphics. This level of data is for internal use.

Award Setup

The graphic below displays total unprocessed Award Setup items categorized by item type. Unprocessed items are in the GCA Assigned or GCA Workday Setup request statuses.


June Award Setup Update

The Award Setup Team is on pace to eliminate their backlog well ahead of the June 30 deadline. The team is current with the Award Setup Requests. Additionally, the newer team members have received training on Complex Modifications and continue to chip away on that backlog.

Award Setup Items Returned by GCA

The graphic below displays Award Setup Requests and Modification Requests that have been returned by GCA to campus for clarification or correction.

Starting Monday, May 13, GCA is no longer publishing a list of Award Setup Requests and Modification Requests that have been returned by GCA. The link in the Additional Data Analysis section on this page provides most of the information that was included in the list. To see the reason for the return, you will need to open the specific item in SAGE and reviewing the item's Comments & History section.

We encourage you to take the requested action or add a comment to the item's Comments & History section indicating that the item is no longer needed and resubmit to GCA. If the item is no longer needed, GCA will deny the request in SAGE, which removes it from all workflow queues.

Please visit the Tips for Success – Award Setup and Modifications Requests in SAGE for common reasons for returns and how to address them. This webpage is a collaboration between GCA and the Office of Sponsored Programs and is updated regularly.


The graphics below display sponsor financial reports that are past the sponsor's due date ("Backlog") as well as financial reports that are due in the current month ("Current"). Each graphic also has columns that are categorized by interim financial reports and final financial reports.

June Reporting Update

The backlog increased slightly over the last week because reports due in May rolled over into the backlog.  GCA has been submitting an average of 20+ reports daily and we’re going to do our best to get as many reports submitted by the June 30th deadline.


The graphic below displays the volume of award lines that are beyond 120 days from their end dates ("Backlog") and the award lines that have not yet reached 120 days from their end dates ("Current"). 

June Closing Update

Closing process workflows have been organized and the team is actively being trained. Progress has been slower than expected as we are still defining processes and need to verify that everything will work correctly. For example, there are multiple ways to clear a deficit so we need to ensure both the process and the accounting will produce the desired results before rolling out to the team.

The top priorities in the Closing process are: sponsor refunds, deficit transfers, and residual balance transfers (formerly known as fixed price surplus transfers). 

Note: The Closing process includes but is not limited to: final reconciliations of award lines, adjusting award amounts, transferring deficits, and submitting refunds to sponsors. The Closing process does not include final financial reports or final invoices (which belong to the Reporting and Invoicing processes, respectively), which will continue to be a high priority for GCA.