Post Award Fiscal Compliance Dashboard: Airfare on Federal Awards


This dashboard shows airfare purchases on sponsored awards.


Federal regulations require, with some limited exceptions, that all travel be in coach or economy class and that international travel be in compliance with the Fly America Act. All airfare purchases on federally sponsored awards should be reviewed to ensure compliance with these two requirements and that any exceptions have been documented with necessary approvals.

Our website has more information on travel on Sponsored Awards.


All expenditures posted to sponsored awards using the airfare spend categories.

Foreign Airfare (SC1076)
In State Airfare (SC1070)
Out of State Airfare (SC1075)


  1. Data displayed are for sponsored awards.
  2. All transactions with an absolute value of $500 or greater. This filter was added to remove low-cost airfare purchases (unlikely to be foreign travel or higher than coach/economy class) and transactions that are travel agent fees or other small fees.


Review all transactions to ensure:

  1. The correct Spend Category is used for the transaction (e.g., Foreign Airfare is not incorrectly classified as In State Airfare).
  2. All airfare purchases are in compliance with the class of service requirement.
  3. Foreign travel is in compliance with the Fly America Act (FAA).
  4. Any exceptions to the class of service or FAA requirements are valid exemptions and are fully documented. 
  5. Sponsor approval, if required, is included with the supporting documentation (review the Award and applicable federal regulations for any requirements). 
  6. The inclusion of personal time on the trip (if any) did not result in any additional cost to the sponsored award (documentation of comparison airfare at the time of airfare purchase must be included with supporting documentation). 


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