Post Award Fiscal Compliance Dashboard: Food Purchases


This dashboard shows all expenses posted to the Object Codes used for Food purchases. 


Food purchases are high risk, since it can be difficult to prove their benefit or necessity to a sponsored award. Because of this, food purchases typically require sponsor approval for each unique or individual food purchase. 


All expenses charged to one of the food spend categories, which can include:

  • Bread (SC1291)
  • Catering and Prepared Food (SC1152)
  • Catering and Prepared Food Recharge (SC2129)
  • Coffee (SC1285)
  • Food Expense (SC1078)
  • Produce (1287)
  • Alcohol (SC1284) [Alcohol is generally unallowable charge on a sponsored award and must serve a programmatic purpose and have written approval from the sponsor.]


None; the data includes all transactions, regardless of amount, on sponsored awards using a food spend category.  


Review all food transactions to ensure:

  1. There is documented justification for how the food purchase was necessary to perform the objectives of the Award.
  2. Necessary Sponsor approval has been obtained. This can be in the form of either:
    • Identification of food in the proposal and proposal budget (e.g., “workshop including lunch for 12 people at $10 per person = $120” and not “meeting = $120”)
    • If food is not included in the proposal, then written approval from the sponsor's authorized official must be obtained.

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