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UW Finance Transformation

Week of 5/15 Workday Finance Stabilization update

Post Award Grant Administration - Stabilization Update

  • The Award Setup Team is on pace to eliminate their backlog by June 30. There has been significant progress on the Award Setup Requests, which are now under 200. In the next few weeks, staff currently assigned to ASRs will be reassigned to complex Modification Requests, which includes renewals.
  • Sponsored invoicing metrics are being created to be shared on the GCA Workflow and Backlog Tracking webpage. 
  • Two new tools were implemented to support the financial reporting process for federal and non-federal awards. GCA expects to see increased productivity as a result. Two new employees have been trained on the interim federal financial report process and will focus on that workload for the month of May.
  • Closing process workflows have been organized and the team is actively being trained. To earn quick wins, the team will begin working on award lines that are ready to close, followed by a focus on federal award closeout.
  • GCA has created a temporary process for requests to change the Cost Center, Assignee and Program worktags. For requests that include up to 39 award lines, campus partners would fill out the new Grant Worktag Update Template and send it to For requests that include 40 or more award lines, the process is to fill out the Grant Worktag Update Template and attach it to a UW Connect Ticket.
  • Two new BI Portal reports are now available: Workday Variable Reporting Period Budget Summary and the Workday Variable Reporting Period Transaction Summary. These are similar to pre-Workday BI Portal reports​ and allows the user to isolate expenditures that have posted within a defined period​.
  • The GCA Workflow and Backlog Tracking webpage now includes a tool that allows users to filter workflow data for additional analysis. This tool replaces the list of items returned to campus by GCA.
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