Physical Inventory

What are these odd assets at the end of my physical inventory?

Pending assets are listed at the end of your inventory. These assets start with a 'P' and have a number such as 'P03118002'. This number is a temporary number assigned to a payment for an asset that has not been properly reported to EIO. Any pending asset represents a problem for your department and must be 'cleared' immediately. You need to find the asset, tag it, and report the model, serial number, custodian, building and room number, and date received to Equipment Inventory so that we can convert it to

FAQ Category

Why is this old asset still on my physical inventory?

Government accounting practices include accounting for the depreciation of an asset. However, the 'Total Cost' on all assets remains at the purchase price for the entire time that the item is in use by the University. We are accountable to the tax-paying public for all assets and cannot drop them off the system when they have fully depreciated. Assets are only removed from the inventory system when they are disposed through an approved disposal method.

FAQ Category

Is my department's inventory due this year?

Physical inventories of University-owned equipment must be completed by University departments every two years and are distributed during January. The listings are sent to the departmental inventory contacts, as listed with EIO (Equipment Inventory Office). Physical inventories of Federal-owned and Agency-owned equipment must be taken annually. Audits of the physical inventories taken by departments are performed annually by various state, federal, private, and internal auditors.

FAQ Category