Physical Inventory

How do you import the .csv file into Excel? How do you merge Excel files?

You will need to save your .csv file onto a computer or server to format it. Double click to open; select ‘save as,’ name the file (we recommend using the org code as the name), select as ‘Save as type:’ ‘Excel Workbook’ (file extension ‘.xls’), and then click the ‘Save’ button.

To Format your Excel Spreadsheet:

FAQ Category

Can we convert the multiple files into one file?

Multiple Excel files can be merged for ease of use; since they can be sorted by location, or custodian, large departments may especially benefit from this.

We ask that you do not merge PDFs. These are your official inventory documents. If you make your annotations on a document, or merge it after you’ve made your annotations, the information may be lost. If you send us a merged PDF, we will be required to separate it on our end and, again, changes might be lost.

FAQ Category