GCA Only Modifications

This webpage has been updated with Workday-related content.


To make a change to an existing Workday award, campus creates a SAGE Modification Request (MOD) then routes to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) or GCA, depending on whether the request requires sponsor approval.

Routing a MOD

If the change requires sponsor approval, route the MOD to OSP first ("OSP/GCA MOD"). Once OSP approves the MOD, it will be routed to GCA. For more information on these types of requests, visit the OSP Award Changes webpage.

If the change does not require sponsor approval, route the MOD to GCA directly ("GCA Only MOD"). This webpage covers GCA Only MODs.

If GCA receives a GCA Only MOD and determines that it requires sponsor approval and should have been sent to OSP first, GCA will add an explanatory comment and deny the request. The campus unit will receive a notification and will need to submit a new OSP/GCA MOD.

SAGE Modification Request Checklist

GCA and OSP have developed a SAGE Modification Request Checklist to support this process. This checklist is intended to provide all the required information before routing the request and is applicable to requests that do not already have a required form (e.g. Extension, Change of PI, etc). This checklist is strongly encouraged but not required.

Click on the link to download the SAGE Modification Request Checklist.

Submit a GCA Only Modification 

Campus can submit a GCA Only MOD for the following requests:

  1. Request a new award line
  2. Rebudgeting
  3. Cost Share Change
  4. Other Changes

Request a new award line

Here are the steps to request a new award line:

  1. Create a SAGE Budget worksheet
  2. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  3. Enter "New award line request" in the Comments & History
  4. Include the SAGE Budget snapshot URL in the Comments & History
  5. Select Funding & budgeting changes in the Modification Details section
  6. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA

Visit GCA's Setting up an Award Line webpage for information about the different types of award lines.


Use a GCA Only MOD to rebudget funds in any of the following ways:

  • Rebudget funds between object classes within one award line including to release restricted funding (must not require sponsor approval)
  • Rebudget funds between two award lines within the same award (similar to requesting a supplement to a sub budget using a TPU form)

Here are the steps to submit a rebudgeting request within one award line:

  1. Create a SAGE Budget worksheet
  2. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  3. Enter "Rebudget funds in GR######" in the Comments & History
  4. Include the SAGE Budget snapshot URL in the Comments & History
  5. Select Funding & budgeting changes in the Modification Details section
  6. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA

Here are the steps to submit a rebudgeting request between two award lines:

  1. Create a SAGE Budget worksheet
  2. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  3. Enter "Rebudget funds from GR###### to GR######" in the Comments & History
  4. Include the SAGE Budget snapshot URL in the Comments & History
  5. Select Funding & budgeting changes in the Modification Details section
  6. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA 

Cost Share Change

Here are the steps to request a change to a cost share award line:

  1. Fill out a Cost Share Addendum that reflects the desired changes 
  2. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  3. Enter "Cost share change for GR######". Enter the grant worktag associated with the cost share award line.
  4. Select Funding & budgeting changes in the Modification Details section
  5. Upload the updated cost share addendum in the Supporting Attachments section
  6. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA 

Other Changes

GCA Only MODs can also be used for the following requests:

Grant Name Change
  1. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  2. Enter "Grant name change for GR######"
  3. Select Other changes in the Modification Details section
  4. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA
Related Worktag Changes (Cost Center, Program, Assignee)
  1. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  2. Enter a comment in the Comments & History that includes:
    1. the related worktag that needs to be changed and the grant worktag it's associated with. For example: "Cost center change for GR######"
    2. confirm that the original cost center has agreed to this change if the old and new cost centers are in different units
  3. Include the SAGE Budget snapshot URL in the Comments & History section
  4. Select Other changes in the Modification Details section
  5. Upload an email with the original campus unit's approval in the Supporting Attachments section, if applicable
  6. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA

Note: To change the related worktags on more than one award line, follow these instructions:

  • To request worktag changes to up to 39 grant worktags, please complete the Grant Worktag Update Template and attach to a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request (one Modification Request per Workday award).
  • For requests of 40 or more, please complete the Grant Worktag Update Template and attach it to a UW Connect ticket. Requests of this size may take 2-3 weeks to complete.
Principal Investigator Change on a Non-Primary Award Line

Use the GCA Only MOD to request a change of PI on a non-primary award line:

  1. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  2. Enter "PI change from [current PI name] to [new PI name] on grant GR######" in the Comments & History section
  3. Select Other changes in the Modification Details section
  4. Upload approval from both PIs to the Supporting Attachments section
  5. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA

To change the Principal Investigator on the award or the primary award line, visit the Programmatic Changes section of the OSP Award Changes webpage.

Start Date Change
  1. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  2. Enter "Start date change for grant GR###### from mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy" in the Comments & History section
  3. Select Schedule changes in the Modification Details section
  4. Upload documentation supporting the request in the Supporting Attachments section
  5. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA
Location Change
  1. Create a GCA Only SAGE Modification Request Form
  2. Enter "Location change for GR######" in the Comments & History section
  3. Click Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section when the request is ready to send to GCA

Note: A change in location mid-project (on- to off-campus) does not trigger an F&A rate change, by policy. See GIM 13 for more information.

Returns and Corrections

GCA will return a MOD to the campus preparer if there is an error or if something is missing. GCA will include the reason for the return in the Comments & History. Campus will receive a notification that the request has been returned. Once the correction is made, the campus preparer can resubmit the item to GCA to continue processing.


Campus will receive an automated email notification when a modification request is denied, returned or processed in SAGE. Once the MOD is processed, please review the Workday award to ensure that the changes have been made correctly. If there is an issue or correction needed, please send an Award Portal ticket to GCA or an email to gcahelp@uw.edu. Please do not make comments on the MOD in SAGE after it is processed, since there is no mechanism to notify GCA that a comment has been added.
