Frequently Asked Questions

  • Click question to view answer.
  • Search all categories or a specific category selected from the list at right.


Try these steps:

  • Adjust speaker volume on your computer.   
  • Make sure correct device is selected for audio on your computer. Sometimes, plugging in headphones may disable speakers, or vice versa.
  • Stuttering? double-check your internet connection. The most common cause of audio stuttering is being connected via Wi-Fi instead of directly connected to the internet with a cable.  
  • Try using another web browser to join. Google Chrome is recommended for remote MRAM attendance.

MRAM audio & video are  monitored  throughout the meeting for quality control.  If we are aware of an issue at the meeting source we will include a note in the online chat room.

While we welcome all feedback, we may not be able to accommodate individual attendee technical challenges.

Please email with questions.

MRAM presentation materials & recordings are typically published on the MRAM Meetings webpage 2-5 business days after MRAM sessions occur.