Frequently Asked Questions
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Expenditures displayed on Transaction Summary reports in MyFD (MyFinancial.desktop) come from various sources. Often the source can be identified by the description or reference information in the Transaction Summary. If you need to locate a copy of the source document, here are some resources that may assist you:
- For payroll charges, contact the Integrated Service Center at: or 206.543.8000.
- For Purchase Orders, contact Procurement Customer Service at: or 206.543.4500.
- For questionable ISDs (Internal Sales Document), CTIs (Cost Transfer Invoice), or CTs (Cash Transmittal), review the information in the reference fields for contact information, or use the Originating Area Code found in the Transaction Detail of an expenditure or revenue entry to find out who processed it.
- JVs (Journal Vouchers) can be processed by multiple areas. The characters after the identifier of "JV" denote which area processed the document. To determine which department to contact with JV questions, use the following chart: