Frequently Asked Questions

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Award Setup

GCA uses the SAGE Budget worksheet to populate the Workday award plan. We need the SAGE Budget worksheet total to match the amount on the award document to the penny. For Award Setup Requests, SAGE Budget feeds the award amount automatically to Workday so it needs to be exact!

On the other hand, GCA doesn’t need SAGE Budget to be broken down by person or broken down to the sub-object code level, unless the sub-object code is exempt from F&A.

If you are trying to get your SAGE Budget to match the award amount, please refer to the Guidelines for a Budget Difference Between the SAGE Award Budget and the Sponsor Award job aid for help.

Interest is only available to awards where the sponsor pays in advance (scheduled payments or in full) and the agreement states that interest is required. Your award agreement may include the following (or similar) language. For example:

Award term regarding interest

Interest is calculated as the interest rate provided by UW Treasury multiplied by the average monthly cash balance (i.e. cash receipts less expenditures).

GCA does not receive a notification from SAGE when a comment is added to a Award Setup Request, Modification Request or Advance Request. GCA periodically reviews items that have been returned to campus for activity.