Office of Animal Welfare - Review and Sponsored Programs

Member for

11 years 11 months
Submitted by nclark14 on

Dear Colleagues,

Effective 8/10/17, the Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) has eliminated the review of:

  • Non-competing renewals
  • Non-competing supplements
  • Non-competing revisions

This does not change the requirement that all animal use activity must be reviewed and approved by the University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).  As has always been the case, before sponsored program funding is accepted by the University, proposed animal use activity must be reviewed by OAW and deemed congruent with IACUC protocol(s).

OSP verifies that such a congruence is in place before accepting and processing sponsored program funding that involves animal use.  This verification is done by referring to the original eGC1 for a project and obtaining the protocol number, dates, and congruence approval. If approval dates have expired or congruence cannot otherwise be verified, OSP will request updated information from the PI. 

If animal use scope of work changes, PIs must provide updated information/materials to OAW.

If you need a protocol congruence letter from OAW, please contact  

Have OSP verification of Animal Use Protocol questions? Contact your OSP reviewer.

Thank you,
Carol Rhodes
Office of Sponsored Programs