Grant Tracker Updates

Member for

11 years 11 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Greetings Colleagues,

GCA wanted to highlight some current updates in Grant Tracker and let you know about another release coming later in February.

  1. Notes and Attachments have been rearranged into a single section.

    You can expand or collapse all or individual items  to determine what you want visible.

    Attachments now correspond to the relevant note instead of being in two separate sections.

  2. Improved navigation with the addition of headers on the sidebar. 

Grant Tracker release info is always available from the link in the lower right hand corner of the page:

More updates coming!

Next weekend’s release will include:

  • The maintenance page functionality will change for email contacts making it easier to use.
  • Notes that have been completed for over 3 months will not be able to be reopened.
  • There will be a link to create a new note on a closed Grant Tracker.

Thank you,

GCA Help Team