Update on the Federal Budget

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11 years 11 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Passage of the FY 2018 federal budget bill suggests that federal funding for research remains a priority for legislators. Appropriations highlights of the budget affecting some of UW’s significant research sponsors include:

  • National Institutes of Health – 8.3% ($3B) increase to $37B
    • $414M of the increase is directed to support Alzheimer’s Disease research
    • $500M of the increase is directed to support opioid addiction research
  • National Science Foundation – 3.9% ($295M) increase to $7.8B
  • Department of Energy – 15% ($868M) increase to $6.26B
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – funding for climate research was not decreased from FY 2017 levels
  • Environmental Protection Agency – overall funding was not decreased from FY 2017 levels

Language accompanying the budget addressed some issues of interest to researchers, but not directly relating to direct funding:

  • The NIH’s proposed expanded definition of “clinical trial” would be delayed and reconsidered.
  • The current indirect cost (F&A) rate methodology would be preserved at least for now.

So, for the balance of the current federal fiscal year (which ends on September 30 2018), federal support for research is appropriated at a level above last fiscal year and above what was widely anticipated. We will monitor discussions about next fiscal year’s research budget and will continue to participate in efforts to make the accomplishments, contributions and needs of the research community understood by federal legislators and the administration.

Linda Gamman

Director of Strategic Initiatives and Communication

Office of Research