NIH: reporting requirement in for Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH) delayed

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11 years 11 months
Submitted by stonewil on

With NIH Notice: NOT-OD-19-126, NIH has delayed the requirement for reporting results of basic research on human studies in until Sept. 2021. This delay only applies to studies designated as “basic experimental studies with humans” (BESH) in the title of the funding opportunity.

NIH still expects registration and results reporting, but there is more flexibility to register and report results on other publicly available platforms. Applicants must describe plans for meeting the research results reporting requirement in the application's Dissemination Plan attachment.

Funded awardees for applications submitted to BESH-specific FOAs who are not using  for results reporting should provide the alternative platform's unique identifier assigned to their results report, if available, and a link to the report.

Review the more details in the full notice:  NOT-OD-19-126

Thank you,
Carol Rhodes
Office of Sponsored Programs