Research update on Stay Home, Stay Healthy directive

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5 years 5 months
Submitted by mdavis25 on

Dear Colleagues,


Let me start out by stating that the University is not closed. Some research is a part of the exclusions included in Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy directive, and we are working on defining what that is. In accordance with this directive, we ask that the number of people working at their usual place of work be kept to a minimum. 


We understand that these are extremely difficult times when many are dealing with new critical demands in their lives, from teaching their students in a new modality to having young children at home to tending to needs of older relatives, not to mention the stresses and strains that come both from worry and fear about becoming infected and from social isolation. We will be doing everything we can to help you, we understand this is not business as usual.


The Office of Research will be providing further guidance later this morning. Meanwhile, please be working with your research personnel to consider how to decrease the amount of in-person work you are carrying out. 


Thank you for your patience in these difficult times.





Mary E. Lidstrom

Vice Provost for Research