April MRAM Q&A

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Submitted by mdavis25 on

Q&A from April 9th 2020 MRAM:

EH&S Update

Q: If we don't know who has been infected, how will we know to self-isolate?
A: We ask the ill employee and/or applicable department representative for a list of all potential close contacts and we reach out to all of the close contacts directly and provide information to self-isolate.

If the ill person was in the lab/workplace since 48 hours before symptoms developed, there is also a lab or work unit general notification and if employees have concerns, they can reach out to us [EH&S] directly.

EH&S Contact info: ehsdept@uw.edu or call 206.543.7262 


NSF Current & Pending Support, NIH Other Support

NSF just released an NSF Approved Formats for Proposals Webinar. 
Webinar topics include:

  • policy guidance on the preparation of the biographical sketch and current and pending support sections of the proposal
  • user-experience walk-through of accessing these formats in NSF systems
  • detailed guidance from NIH on using SciENcv for preparing both documents
  • answers to frequently asked questions

See the NSF pages for more information on the biographical sketch and current and pending support

Q: What is the website/link for receive NSF notifications?
A: https://www.nsfpolicyoutreach.com/get-notified/

Q: SciENcv: not enough space for each product to be added. Is this just a beta version now?
A: While these new NSF-approved proposal section formats are not required until June 1, 2020, NSF encourages proposers to start using them and provide NSF with your feedback. Send NSF your feedback via email to policy@nsf.gov or via the Research.gov Feedback page (select “Biographical Sketch” or “Current & Pending Support” under the Site Area dropdown menu).

Q: I recently had an OS page rejected by OSP for adding items included in the new guidance. Have OSP Staff been updated on how the new guidance is different from the instructions/examples that NIH provides?
A: OSP is following up directly on this question. If you have a concerns about a specific eGC1, please contact your OSP reviewer or manager.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grants, Intellectual Process Updates

Two Questions:

  1. Will the guidance re: Gates IP changes be found on the OSP website for future reference?
  2. Do UW IP forms need to be attached to eGC1 if BMGF proposal narrative does not specify that their IP report is required or only if BMGF report is required?

Refer to procedures for BMGF proposals on the Research website 


CORE Update

Q: I have registered for the classes on the CORE site, got the Zoom links, and accessed both the classes so far - but I didn't see anything about the additional step of "registering" through Zoom for the class, does that mean I didn't get credit for them? I attended and participated in both.
A: Logging into a Zoom CORE class registers your attendance. If you stay for the class in Zoom you receive credit for attendance.