Subaward Certification Forms Updated - Use the correct forms!

Member for

11 years 11 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Periodically, we update our subaward certification forms. The latest subaward certification forms are always available on our website.

To ensure the most current version of the forms are used, we urge you to download them directly from the site instead of saving a local copy to reuse later. 

We've included links and basic information about these forms for your convenience. 

Subaward Project Certification

The OSP Subawards Team requires completion of the project specific certification form prior to fully executing a subaward agreement. This form will be requested when we issue a new subaward or subaward modification.

New Subrecipient Entity Certification Form

The OSP Subawards team requires new UW subrecipients to complete this entity certification form prior to issuing a subaward agreement. This form may also be requested when subrecipient entity information needs to be updated.