Professional Development Opportunity: Identifying and Reacting (quickly) to an RFA/P

Member for

11 years 11 months
Submitted by stonewil on

The RSNA (the Radiological Society of North America) is offering a free webinar which may be of interest to our membership. Speakers include the UW's own Paul Kinahan, PhD, and Helen Powell, MS.  
Identifying and Reacting (quickly) to an RFA/P: Tips & Strategies for PIs and Support Staff 

This webinar is not specific to Radiology, all disciplines are welcome. This webinar would be especially helpful for junior faculty and support staff, those not on the frontlines of research administration on a day-to-day basis.

  • Date/Time: Tues, Oct. 27, 2020 9am-10:30am PST
  • Registration:
  • Registration required on or before Sept. 30th.
    • Space is limited to six attendees per institution. The rest will be put on a wait list. 
    • Please direct registration and waitlist questions to

This information is shared as a courtesy to our research administration community and OSP is not managing sign-up or selection to attend. 
Thank you, 
Office of Sponsored Programs