Year 2022 Benefit Rates Available

Member for

11 years 11 months
Submitted by pokemon on

Greetings Colleagues,

FY22 fringe benefit rates (i.e. payroll load rates) are available in the Benefit Rate Table and within SAGE budget. Use these updated rates on multi-year sponsored program proposal budgets to best reflect anticipated costs.

If you submitted a proposal using previously published or preliminary rates for budget years  FY22 and beyond, upon award, you may re-budget as necessary to account for these changes. In most cases, this will not require sponsor approval.


SAGE Budget in Progress?

Apply the updated rates in SAGE:

Go to the SAGE Budget Settings in the left navigation, expand the Data & Calculations section and “Refresh Benefit Rates”.



Questions about incorporating these rates into proposal budgets?

SAGE Budget questions? Contact


Not Seeing the New Rates on the Web? 

If you don't see the newest rates in the Benefit Rate Table you may need to clear your web browser cache.

Instructions for some popular browsers:


Thank you,

The Office of Sponsored Programs & 
The Office of Research Information Services