New Research Administration Data (RAD) Report in the B.I. Portal

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5 years 5 months
Submitted by mdavis25 on

Dear Research Community, 

The Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) is excited to share that a new Research Administration Data (RAD) report is now available in the B.I. Portal: Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search

This report allows you to view proposals and awards based on:

  • One or more specified principal investigators (PIs)
  • A specific FinOrg code
  • Specific words or phrases that are included in the eGC1 short/long title

This report is especially useful when:

  • You need an overview of proposal and award details for all or specific kinds of research (identified by a keyword or phrase) either across the university or for a specific college, school, or department.
  • You need an inventory of proposal and award details for one or more specified PIs – this could be helpful to inform a current, pending, or other support analysis.
  • You need to filter by PI, FinOrg, or keyword/phrase to get a list of proposals and awards.

To access this report, visit: Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search.

NOTE: Access to reports in the B.I. Portal requires access to the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). Visit the Check EDW Access page to find out if you have access. If you need access, complete the Request Access Forms.


If you have questions, please contact the ORIS Decision Support Services (DSS) team at