NIH FORMS-H Availability & Resources

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NIH’s next set of application packages FORMS-H is effective for all applications due on or after January 25th, 2023. This new FORMS set will begin to be available October 25th, 2022.

Effective Date & Availability

Applicants must use FORMS-H for due dates on or after January 25, 2023 and must use FORMS-G for due dates on or before January 24, 2023. For a transition period, both FORMS-G and FORMS-H will be active simultaneously. Applicants must choose the appropriate application package for their due date. 

NIH will withdraw and remove applications from funding considerations if applicants submit using an incorrect forms package.

Review more information on availability from NIH.

Key Changes

This latest set of NIH FORMS supports NIH's 2023  Data Management & Sharing (DMS) Policy requirement for specific applications.

  • As part of NIH’s implementation of their DMS Policy, a new “Other Plan(s)” attachment field has been added to the PHS 398 Research Plan Form and the PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form.
  • If the proposed research is subject to the DMS Policy, applicants must attach the required DMS Plan in the new FORMS-H field.

See the High-level Summary of Form Changes in FORMS-H for a full list of changes.  Review more information on the DMS policy along with  NIH and UW resources previously shared with MRAM .

SAGE Grant Runner Applications

Important NotePlease plan to use ASSIST for NIH applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2023 (FORMS-H) until further notice.
FORMS-H updates in Grant Runner are being deferred until Spring 2023 (March/April target to support June 2023 due dates) to ensure we maximize the benefits from the work that’s planned for inclusion in the UW Finance Transformation Project. 



Thank you,
The Office of Sponsored Programs and the Office of Research Information Services