UWFT Special Q&A Invitation - Grant Award to Close

Member for

11 years 11 months
Submitted by pokemon on

Greetings Colleagues,

As mentioned in this morning's MRAM, there will be a special UWFT Q&A session covering the Grant Award to Close process changes next Tuesday 11/15 from 12:10-1:30 PM. Our RAPN partners are graciously opening their forum for all of MRAM to attend. 

RAPN is requesting all questions in advance before 9AM Monday 11/14 via this  RAPN UWFT Q&A webform.

Submit Questions

 The advance question form closes at 9AM, Monday 11/14. You can submit up to 3 questions per form, and as many forms as needed. 

Join Session 11/15 12:10PM


Thank you,