June 16th Meeting Q&A Follow Up

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Greetings Colleagues, 

The June 16th MRAM materials are published for your review.  Q&A from our session are included here for reference and will be available with the other meeting materials shortly. 


We've gotten a lot of great feedback around the bonus MRAM sessions. Many of you have been wondering if there will be any more. The answer is yes!

In addition to our regularly scheduled MRAM on 7/13, we are planning another bonus MRAM on 7/21, 9-10:30 AM PST.

Please save the date and stay tuned for an agenda with a unique link to that meeting. Hope to see you there! 


Workday Finance Dashboard Reports

Q1: Who populates the announcements? 
A1: Central Finance will create the content as needed. These will be submitted to the reports team through a UW Connect ticket to publish to each specific dashboard.

Q2: What roles must we have for accessing?
A2: Initial security on the dashboards will be fairly wide open to allow most users within each area (finance, grants, etc…) to see the dashboards in their areas. The reports will be restricted to those with the specific analyst roles assigned to the reports underlying data sources (grants, budget, etc…).

Q3: Does your permissions determine what dashboards you can see as well?
A3: Dashboards are more widely available than the reports themselves.

Q4: If we build apps and shortcuts in tenant 13, will that be available as a template when WDF goes live so we can rebuild it there?
A4: The Dashboards/Apps we are creating (Financial Desktop, Grants Manager Dashboard, and Principal Investigator Dashboard) will be available to be added in Production once we go live. They will not be added by default. Shortcuts will also need to be manually added by each user after go-live. These will not be moved over from UW13 or any of the other test tenants.

Q5: Will all grant managers have access to the PI dashboard?
A5: Initially yes. The grants team will later help to refine audiences and permissions.


Closer look at Future State:
When do I need an eGC1 vs. Modifications in SAGE

Q1: Can we do more than one modification type in one request?
A1: Yes.

Q2: I did not see the non-competing submission mentioned. I assume it is an eGC1?
A2: Before July 7th, submit RPPRs on an eGC1. It will be on a modification after go-live.

Q3: Will the department chair still need to approve “transpasu” type actions before they go to GCA?
A3: Yes. When requesting a new award line, the requestor will need to manually add approvers for each of the following: Principal Investigator associated with the new award line, Dean/Chair/Director of the award line’s cost center, and an approver for the cost center associated with the overall award (if different from the award line’s cost center). If there are questions on approval requirements for “transpasu” type actions, please contact GCA at gcahelp@uw.edu.

Q4: Will rebudget requests also be submitted through Modifications, or a different mechanism?
A4: Yes, rebudget requests will be submitted on a Modification Request.

Q5: As of a few weeks ago, I had the impression that modifications would not be in the release of SAGE changes at go-live. Does this mean that now modifications will be in the initial release? If not, what is the timeline for this functionality?
A5: Modifications will be released shortly after go-live and there will continue to be enhancements moving forward.

Q6: If a sponsor would like to fund/supplement an existing award. the PI did not have to apply for anything. Is that considered a MOD?
A6: Yes, additional funding awarded by the sponsor is a modification. Review When will I need an eGC1 vs. create a Modification request?


Where are Awards & Modifications during OSP cutover and what happens to these at go-live?

Q1: Will awards and modifications that arrived in OSP before June 12 continue to be processed?
A1: No, these cannot be fully processed. Any awards or modifications that did not get fully processed by June 9th will be converted to the appropriate action (Award Setup Request or Modification) and processed in SAGE after July 7th.

Q2: Will awards be signed during conversion?
A2: There are some items that may need signature or acceptance during cutover that can be handled up to that point. If an item must be signed/accepted by a date prior to 7/07, please reach out to osp@uw.edu. These items still need to be converted to the appropriate action after Go-Live, to be fully processed.

Q3: How are you prioritizing items? Are NOAs priority?
A3: Please review the April MRAM: “ UWFT Sponsored Program Transitions…” for details on prioritizing.

Q4: What constitutes an emergency? What is an emergency to a PI might not be the same as your definition.
A4: If a sponsor requires a signature or acceptance before 7/07, please reach out to osp@uw.edu. These items still need to be converted to the appropriate action after Go-Live, to be fully processed.

Q5: Are we permitted to submit an eGC1 before go-live?
A5: Please continue to use an eGC1 for proposals, ATFs, and Non-award Agreements. If you have an award change, please do not route an eGC1. Use the Modification functionality in SAGE at Go-Live. If you have an RPPR due prior to 7/07, please route to OSP via eGC1. After 7/07, you will no longer use an eGC1 for RPPRs. Review When will I need an eGC1 vs. a Modification Request in SAGE?


Subaward Follow Up

Q1: OSP previously said they were processing subaward modifications (fully processed by GCA) during the restricted period - can you clarify?
A1: If there is a fully processed award or post award change in SAGE, OSP will continue to receive, draft, and negotiate subawards and subaward modifications during the cutover period. However, the team will not be fully executing agreements or completing the internal processing until after go-live.

Q2: Is Procurement responsible for manually entering the BPOs that do not convert? 
A2: Procurement, OSP, and the UWFT Grant Award to Close team are still working on the conversion process for existing subawards. We will announce the process as soon as it’s finalized.

Q3: Those Subaward BPOs that need to be manually converted to Workday will be entered by a central UW office (PCS or OSP), not by the department, correct? 
A3: Procurement, OSP, and the UWFT Grant Award to Close team are still working on the conversion process for existing subawards. Do not have a process for this yet. We will work on it and announce the process as soon as it’s finalized.

Q4: Assuming you are planning to just transfer the remaining balance of the BPO? If so, is there a place where dept.'s can add notes regarding what the original amount of the BPO was, and what has been paid so far, etc.?
A4: The plan is to transfer the remaining balance of the BPO. More information will be provided when available.


SNAP Award Setup

Q1: For SNAP awards will they keep the same budget number (or worktag) over all years like they do now?
A1: They will keep the same grant worktag for all 5 years.

Q2: What about PCORI?
A2: PCORI is not a letter of credit sponsor so the situation is a little different.

Q3: Can you repeat what you said about commingling of spending across budget periods, please? Will that still be possible in the future state?
A3: Automatic carryover allows for the co-mingling of spending across budget periods.


Salary Over the Cap in Workday Finance

Q1: If we have already submitted costings with the cap in Workday now, will they auto recalculate at go live?
A1: No, they will not auto recalculate. There will be another outreach by Payroll where you can change these.

Q2: For faculty effort and salary cap, how does Workday know that the 10% a faculty is on a grant isn’t already reduced from their effort on the grant to accommodate the salary cap? I.e., the faculty is listed as 12.6% on the grant and thus has 10% pay to meet the salary cap?
A2: Workday does not know that, and if you enter 10% as costing allocation, WD will assume that 10% is total, un-prorated effort not adjusted for salary cap, and will apply salary cap on top of that if IBS amount exceeds salary cap amount for a pay period. That’s why it’s important to create a costing allocation for full % of effort, not adjusted for salary cap.

Q3: With Workday Costing Allocations cutoff coming soon, should departments enter costing allocations for those over the cap using the *future state* process or *current state* process?
A3: Future state process please. Workday will start calculating and applying salary cap from the 7/1 - 7/15 pay period and onward.

Q4: Are there different Salary Caps you can choose from?
A4: Yes. The DHHS cap is updated annually and effective date is entered in WD. WD applies it based on the pay period end date. There are other sponsors with a salary cap. All salary caps currently active on our sponsored awards have been entered into Workday. MAA maintains the list of sponsors.

Q5: What about July which is using the current system?
A5: First pay period out of new WD will be July 1 - July 15. Costing allocations for this pay period should already have the “new rules” applied.

Q6: Will UWP be available for over-the-cap in Workday?
A6: No. UWP and CUMG don’t go through WD payroll (there is an FYI amount of the practice plan pay on the faculty’s Compensation page, but it’s not paid from WD). Planned clinical income is in WD, Paid is not. WD does not know how much was paid, so can’t apply salary cap on that.

Q7: How is ADS handled? Will ADS components still need to be calculated outside of Workday in terms of how they affect IBS and faculty effort on grants?
A7: ADS will be handled in Workday in a similar manner to today. Departments that don’t what a portion on ADS to be charged to the grant, will increase REG pay to the grant to reach the desired % effort of the full IBS. Adjust for ADS, but don't adjust for salary cap. MAA has calculators that will calculate both, so select the ADS/ENS adjustment calculator, not Salary Cap calculator.

Q8: We occasionally have small sponsors with salary caps that don't match NIH. Who will enter those caps into Workday, and update them if they change?
A8: If you have a sponsor that applies this salary cap on all their awards, contact MAA to request this cap to be added on their website and to WD. If this sponsor applies salary cap on certain awards only, we can still add the cap to WD and GCA can add this cap on the award line. That way, WD will apply the cap to the workers’ pay just like WD will apply the DHHS cap. If it’s a very unique case where we want the cap applied on certain workers, but not others, on the same grant, this will need to be handled in ECC. In Workday we add a cap to the grant/award line and WD will apply cap on all workers costed to this grant.

Q9: Can we enter a unique salary cap amount that needs to be followed for a particular grant?
A9: Yes. Please let GCA and OSP know that there is a unique salary cap in the Award Setup Request form and GCA will work on updating Workday appropriately.

Q10: Did I hear that correctly, we need to update the costing allocations for faculty that are over the cap after go-live?
A10: Yes, we’ll undercharge the award otherwise.

Q11: So we will need to re-adjust costing allocations on all faculty over the NIH cap after Go Live?
A11: Yes, either adjust costing allocations in WD after go live, or enter the adjusted allocations into the EIB provided by HRP remediation team during their outreach to departments.

Q12: For "over the cap", do we need to use this method for July 1-15? or when?
A12: July 1-15.

Q13: Our costings are currently prorated for cap. Do we need to correct all of these at go-live?
A13: Yes.

Q14: Can we fix the 7/1/23 allocations now?
A14: Do not change existing costing allocations in WD now (before go live). They will need to be re-entered with future state worktags. Either change them after go live, or provide them to UWFT HRP remediation team so that they can be loaded in bulk.

Q15: So for clinical departments with X+Y would love to see an actual example.
A15: Basically, clinical income will be handled the way you would handle it today without adjusting for cap. You can use the ADS ENS calculator on MAA website to help you determine the amount of REG pay that needs to be charged to a grant to make sure the desired percentage of full IBS, including clinical, is reached. Do not use the Salary Cap Calculator, use the ADS/ENS calculator.

Q16: What if the grant cant support the new increased salary cap
A16: you can always charge less to the grant, and create an equivalent of shift in funding source cost share in the new effort reporting system (ECC) to show true effort. This will be very similar to current state.

Q17: What about awards with special salary caps such as DOJ which is 110% of the DHHS cap?
A17: DOJ cap was configured in the system and will be increased every year in conjunction with DHHS cap. It is effective-dated, so WD will know which cap to use based on pay period end date.

Q18: Sounds like if a prior sal cap should be used, instead of a current sal cap, due to budgeting at the time of the award, that we will have to manually adjust.
A18: Yes. That remains the same.

Q19: How can I answer a unique salary cap to an award that already exists (i.e. we are not setting up a new award). We want this to be available for other departments who pay people on our grant to choose.
A19: if the cap should be applied to all workers’ pay costed to this award as of certain date, GCA can create this unique cap with effective date and add it to the grant. If it applies only to certain workers, but not all, you can request a new award line under this award to be created (similar to requesting a sub budget today), and add the cap to this award line only. Salary cap is applied at the grant/award line level, not award level. You can have an award with some award lines not subject to cap, and some subject to cap. If it’s a different case, please reach out to me directly (sr8@uw.edu), WD is very flexible when it comes to salary over the cap. We can find a solution.


Thank you,

June 16 Material