Salary Over the Cap Update

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2 years 7 months
Submitted by pfc4 on

University of Washington




Salary Over the Cap



After thoughtful consideration, a recent decision was made to keep the existing Workday Salary Over the Cap (SOC) functionality. 



  • No changes to the documentation of salary cap compliance in the Employee Compensation Compliance (“ECC”) effort reporting system
  • Current payroll allocations for faculty will continue to calculate the allowable portion of direct salary to charge to sponsored awards



  • Standalone grant worktags will not be available to post SOC to
  • Ongoing Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) after every payroll cycle are required immediately to move off erroneous SOC on hourly workers (until new salary earning types can be implemented)
  • Ongoing PAAs after every payroll cycle are required immediately to move off erroneous SOC related to retro pay (no near-term fix)


PLEASE NOTE:  Continued delays in getting PAA corrections completed directly impacts billable activity on awards.  Certain SOC expenses are not being billed, even if they are legitimate salary and fringe benefits expenses.  Those expenses cannot be billed until corrected.  Transaction corrections need to be made by December 15th


What’s next:

  • Publication of a report is underway – once live, please monitor this report and initiate PAAs timely
  • The University will continue to explore options for a better SOC approach, including potential tools outside of Workday


Please submit any questions via UW Connect Finance  ticket under the Grants topic.


Thank you,

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