June Meeting Q&A

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11 years 11 months
Submitted by pokemon on

Meeting materials are available for your review along with a list of links shared during the session. Q&A from our session are included here for reference and will be available with the other meeting materials shortly.

Within a week or so following every MRAM, an email like this one typically goes out with Q&A from the session and a link to the meeting materials.


Subaward Update

Q1: Is there a way to prioritize subaward actions that are preventing year end invoices being paid? 
A1: We have been including the subaward action’s end date as a factor in making assignments to address instances where we have subrecipients who have been working more than a few months without an agreement because they likely need to invoice UW. 

Q2: Are you saying that SC that end next month are still being processed? If that's right, what does that mean for completing a year of work? 
A2:Yes, we are currently working on subaward actions (new & modifications) that have end dates this summer. We are including the action’s end date as a factor in making assignments to ease the burden on our subrecipients. Most of our collaborators have been working under their version of advance spend to facilitate work. 

Q3: Had a MOD sent back because I hadn't emailed ospsubs. Why would this occur? 
A3: Please reach out to Amanda Snyder (acs229@uw.edu) with more details about this specific situation. 

Q4: After subawards are processed the Award Portal lines are not updated to reflect new subaward supplement and end dates? 
A4: You are correct: Award Portal displays information from Workday, and Workday gets updated when GCA processes a SAGE MOD to transfer funds from the primary award line to the subaward award line. To see the funding on the subaward award line, please submit a GCA Only MOD with a link to a subaward SAGE Budget worksheet. 

Q5: What is the time expectation to hear back on a Letter of Assurance request? 
A5: It is taking several weeks for OSP to send out emails of assurance. Additionally, if we are able to issue the subaward or subaward modification before the assurance goes out, we will not send the assurance. 

Q6: I want to edit my subaward setup request to add the additional info mentioned (GR, MOD#). What is the difference between Cancel Request and Withdraw? 
A6: Adding that information would be helpful. Thank you! You will want to withdraw the request; do not cancel it in this scenario. Review more information about SAGE Subaward statuses/actions


Clinical Research Web Updates & OSP Questions

Q1: Related to the list of Master Clinical Trials,  can you/OSP create & post a master CDA list too? 
A1: Absolutely, stay tuned.  

Q2: Where can we find the CTO RedCAP Survey? 
A2: CTO New Study Submissions. There will also be a link to this from our revised web content coming soon. 

Q3: Can you combine 2 contracts on one eGC1? i.e. Research Contract agreement with a Data Use Agreement for that research? 
A3: We ask these be split into each having their own NAA eGC1 for a couple of reasons:

  • The party entering the agreement with UW may not be the same in each case, even if for same project (e.g. sponsor A will fund project under Research Contract, but party B will provide the data for use on same project under the DUA).
  • We will have documentation specific to each contract that needs to be housed separately in SAGE and not commingled together.


GCA Updates

Q1: Whom do we contact regarding incorrect application of IDC in Workday? I am referring to Program Income Reports. 
A1: Please send an Award Portal ticket to GCA so we can research the issue and determine if we need to escalate it to UW-IT. 

Q2: GCA told me they have nothing to do with residual balance process and wouldn't do anything except point me to the web page for residual balance info. That web page does not say how to request a new fixed price surplus worktag. It also doesn't say how to transfer the residual balance to a new fixed price surplus budget. What is the process to set up a new fixed price surplus worktag/budget? Then after we have that what is the process to get the residual balance transferred? 
A2: To request a new residual balance stand-alone grant worktag (formerly known as fixed price surplus budget), complete the Foundation Data Model (FDM) Data Element Management Request form which will be reviewed by Financial Accounting. The process is described on GCA's Closing Your Award webpage. 

Q3: For award and reporting, what does "on schedule" mean? 
A3: “On Schedule” means that we are on pace to eliminate the backlog by the end of this month. 

Q4: In regards to Childcare Stipend - Where can we find specific guidance for adding a ledger account when setting up the budget? 
A4: Please review the freshly updated GCA Childcare Allowance webpage for guidance on how to account for childcare funds in SAGE Budget. 


SAGE New Resources

Q1: Can ORIS prioritize fixing the coding in the "Awards" tab in SAGE so when you select to see "50" MODs/ASRs at a time, and then press the back button, that it continues to show "50" not reverts back to 10? 
A1: We have this functionality in our backlog of feature requests, but it is not yet prioritized for release. 

Q2: Does the job aid on how to vary budget year lengths mean that the AY/summer calculation has been fixed to look at the actual dates involved and not just a 3:1 split? 
A1: We the are aware of desired enhancements for AY/summer calculations, but development of those enhancements is not yet prioritized. If you are setting up an award budget and looking to use AY/summer calculations, that level of detail is generally not needed, and it may be more appropriate to create a Categorical Totals Budget instead. 

Q3: Can ORIS also prioritize fixing the "filter" option so that awards in the "Composing" status show up when filtering by PI name (for MODs/ASRs)? 
A3: We are aware of this issue and are investigating a fix. 


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