Updating Campus Contacts in Grant Tracker

Accessing the Maintenance Page

On the Grant Tracker Budget Information page, scroll down to the Contact Information section to review current contacts and access the email maintenance page:

" "

You can also access the maintenance page from the sidebar of any Grant Tracker page:

location of maintenance page









Updating Contacts by Individual Budget Number

The budget number field defaults to the budget you were most recently viewing, but you can enter any grant or contract budget:

campus contacts email maintenance page

Immediately below, you should see your selected budget in a grid that includes the current email contacts, the date of the most recent update, and the UW NetID of the user who made the update:

" "

When you click the Edit button, the Emails field will open for additions or changes. When you are done, click Update to make changes or Cancel to leave as is:

" "

Bulk Updates by Org Code or PI

On the maintenance page, you have the option to search by org code or PI employee ID:

" "

After you enter your information and click Search for Budgets, you'll have a Filtered Budget List. You can edit individual budgets using each row's edit button:

" "

To edit contacts for all budgets, click the box to the left of the Org Code header:

" "









To edit contacts for selected budgets, select those budgets individually:

" "








Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and use the Bulk Edit section to upload the new contacts:

" "

Questions on Updating Contacts?

Please contact us at gcahelp@uw.edu if you have any questions about using this tool.